A few female cats that are a part of the Willowplace heritage, but that are no longer breeding...
Supreme Grand Champion
Willowplace Lilly Snow, Outstanding Dam"Miss Lilly" ~ TICA's1984-85 17th Best Cat of All Breeds. Best female Maine Coon, first female Maine Coon to achieve an International Win. Mother of Nations. HCM Clear 1992, Sonogram performed by Dr. Mark Kittleson of UC Davis, HCM clear sonogram performed1998 at the age of 14 by Dr. Clay Calvert of the University of Georgia.
Willowplace Legendary FacsimileFax is the mother of a number of Willowplace cats, including SGC Willowplace Jubilation of Winfield. Fax is owned by Sharon Richey and lives in Phoenix, Arizona. She is a happy housecat and no longer producing kittens.
Willowplace Rhapsody in BlueThe great blue mom. Mother of Willowplace Deja Blue and SGC Willowplace Shadrack.
Marimick Maverique of Willowplace
Riki is retired and living with friends in Birmingham, Alabama. She is another cat that is behind a number of today's Willowplace cats.
Willowplace Clementine